What is it?
Stress is necessary for life. When we are well balanced, stress gives us the energy and alertness required to maintain a healthy and vibrant life. In emergencies, stress allows us to react in a manner which helps deal with the threat one faces.
However, in our modern life we face more frequent stressors than we have ever before. Work, family, finances, and lack of time all impact our ability to cope with the challenges that we face. As result, we are fatigued, unfocused, lacking normal desire and sometimes even hope. As we continue to overextend ourselves, our adrenal glands are less and less able to cope with the stresses we face.
However, in our modern life we face more frequent stressors than we have ever before. Work, family, finances, and lack of time all impact our ability to cope with the challenges that we face. As result, we are fatigued, unfocused, lacking normal desire and sometimes even hope. As we continue to overextend ourselves, our adrenal glands are less and less able to cope with the stresses we face.
Key Points:
- Stress is a normal part of life.
- Stressors in our life have continued to increase with modern life.
- Characterized by a decreased ability to get through the day.
- May affect one's ability to sleep.
- Occurs when we continue to do more than we should.
- Is more common among Type A individuals.
- Often one has been overextended for a long time.
- More common in individuals who 'do it all' - and rarely if ever take time to relax.
How do we treat it?
Stress is a common condition. As a matter of fact about half of our patients or more are coming in with some level of stress which is affecting their overall health. However, for those who have very high levels of stress which affects sleep, causes anxiety, or leaves you drained, treatment is advised. I will start with a thorough examination of your lifestyle and diet, along with a stress profile and other possible testing (ex. thyroid). Based on this information, a treatment plan including medicinal support (which may include IV), lifestyle and dietary changes will be implemented to fit your unique circumstances. I look forward to the opportunity to help you get your life back!