Pizza is a vegetable. Yes, many of my patients have heard me say this. Why? Because the USDA declared it a vegetable after lobbying by a number of food companies. So why is it a vegetable -- because it has some tomato paste on it and may have the occasional vegetable thrown on the top of the pizza. Actually, getting it declared a vegetable allowed food companies to get it into the school lunch programs in the U.S. So thanks to the same government department that gave us the Food Pyramid, so too pizza as a vegetable.
We often like to think in Canada that things are different - but are they? I would suggest not. Most of the Government of Canada's Food Guide is almost exactly the same as the USDA Food Pyramid. Sure the graphics are different and how it is presented differs as well, but the information is almost identical. For the last 60 years, since the introduction of a very high carbohydrate diet (pushed by grain companies who had a surplus), we have seen a steady increase in obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. We have been told fat is bad and actually makes us fat. However, the research has not borne this out and it is carbohydrates which make us fat (converted in the liver). If you are tired of being tired (pun intended) - come and learn about a new way to eat at our clinic. Many of my patients come in with digestive (and skin - they are linked) issues and find that through diet their condition resolves. If you are fed up and want to learn more about our food. Contact our clinic - we have free movie passes to the airing of the the documentary - FED UP which looks at food in North America. And yes, the top of the movie pass mentions that 'Congress says pizza is a vegetable.' For your free movie pass to the May 14th screening (sponsored by the Edmonton Journal, 630 CHED and iNews 880) - call: 780.628.2991 There has been much debate about the usefulness of fish oil over the last couple of years. Some research shows benefit and other research does not. Unfortunately, when one looks closely at the studies often the very fish oil is to blame. To often poor quality fish oil is used and in amounts that are of no real benefit. I remember discussing with a pharmacist about the fish oil they were selling. Her face dropped when I suggested that my patients would have to take 20 capsules a day to get enough DHA and EPA.
In regards to the benefit of fish oil and mental function, there is an interesting research study done by Tuft's University. In the study they found that grouping people on the basis of EPA and DHA consumption those with the lowest intake (lowest 25 % of participants) had the greatest cognitive decline over a two year period. One of my biggest concerns is the quality of the oil as well. Almost all fish oil is tested for heavy metals, but not necessarily PCB's. Also, the cheaper the product the poorer the quality of the oil. If it is not converted back into a triglyceride when it is refined there is no real benefit in taking the product no matter what the DHA and EPA levels are. References: ![]() Earlier this past week I had the pleasure of removing a deer tick from a close relative. This of course was immediately followed with treatment to prevent the development of Lyme disease. While there are not many confirmed cases of Lyme disease in Alberta or Canada for that matter, the number of cases is continuing to grow in Canada with the warmer winters. Lyme disease is caused not by the deer tick itself, but the bacteria it carries (Borellia burgdoferi). The bacteria enter into the body when we are bitten by the tick. Often a target or bullseye rash forms with the infection. Symptoms of Lyme are similar to that of other spirochaete infections. Symptoms can include fever and general malaise, and can affect the heart, central nervous system, and joints. Long term or chronic infections can be difficult to treat and often include chelation and antibiotics. However, with continued treatment many patients find improvement. I have treated a number of patients and it is very rewarding to see the improvements. If you spend time out doors in the wilderness (camping, hiking, horse back riding, etc) and are suffering from an illness that no can quite explain - you may want to look into testing (and yes we do offer it in the clinic). Interesting fact: Lyme - from Lyme Connecticut, where it was first discovered. There are a number of reasons that people eat too much. Take a group of 5 people and together they could probably come up with 50 reasons. However, we often over look some causes and others are new. The article in the Huffington Post is quite good - it serves both as a reminder to us all and mentions a few new causes.
The seven they mention (with my comments):
I have been following MERS for quite a while now. Like many of the viruses out there, it has the potential to affect people but is generally hard to catch. However, 45 % of all cases have been reported in the last month. With a death toll of about 25%, hopefully it will remain an illness that is not that common.
Along with MERS, measles is also in the news. For those who have been vaccinated it is believed that the vaccine is about 95% effective. For those who haven't it is important stay away from areas (places and events) where exposure is more likely. And again, make sure your overall immune health is a focus. Many of us think that if we are not getting sick (and everyone else around us is) because we are healthy. Often we are mistaken. Not getting ill is for one of three reasons:
No matter what your current health status it is important to remember that your ND (naturopath) is here to not only treat your acute conditions, but to help you achieve better health in everyday of your life. References:
Naturopathic Blog
AuthorThis is Dr. Michael Schaplowsky,ND's blog written from the great metropolis of Edmonton to provide you with excellent naturopathic information - enjoy! Archives
October 2024